Last modified by MammaMia - 9 years ago

Laura Callahan

Job Title
Primary Address
4726 - 11th Ave. N.E.
Zip Code
Office Phone
Mobile Phone
Project Start Date Priority Status Target End Date
Asian Tiger-1.0.0 01-19-2014 03-03-2014
Cherry Blossom-1.0.0 04-01-2014 12-24-2014
Issue Assignee Category Priority Status
Fixed notices of undefined offset
Unicode characters not being captured properly Andrew - Fuller
Multiple SQL injection in wordpress poll
‘XSS issue with plugin ”Grou Random Image”’ Steven - Buchanan
[PATCH] Fix for broken category query in WP 2.3.x Janet - Leverling
non-openid website not accepted
WordPress 3.0
sub-domains are not detected Margaret - Peacock
Two Issues with the Post Location plugin…please help.
How can i verify WPtouch API key?
Exclude id not working.
Exclude id not working.
Spanish translation
Spanish translation Steven - Buchanan
Add support for getting IP from request headers Laura - Callahan
Deleting the Directories From the Trac Nancy - Davolio
Search Unleashed and WP 3.1 not working Nancy - Davolio
There is a Stored XSS flaw in the Title text box box while creating a POST Margaret - Peacock
Issue Assignee Category Priority Status
Fixed notices of undefined offset
URI of blog isn’t correctly implemented Andrew - Fuller
Form doesn’t show if Adsense-Deluxe plugin is installed Laura - Callahan
Custom fields unavailable in follow-up autoresponder e-mails Laura - Callahan
Fatal error: Warning: while updating 2 plugins?
SurveyPress : Leaving config unfinished blocks login to WP Margaret - Peacock
Redirect Virus in Dashboard Google Analytics Plugin Margaret - Peacock
Two Issues with the Post Location plugin…please help.
There is a Stored XSS flaw in the Title text box box while creating a POST Margaret - Peacock
After installation – blank page Nancy - Davolio
‘jQuery(”.acronym-tooltip”).tTips is not a function’ Anne - Dodsworth
submit new version of plugin
broken get_posts on homepage when static front page is set Andrew - Fuller
Spammers have mastered the form (v. 1.4.3)
Getting Spam throug wp-contactform
Conflict with Viper’s Video Quicktags plugin
Geo Plugin – Fields in Post.php not showing up and blocking rest Nancy - Davolio
Fix for paypal-pro.merchant.php to include coupons and correct tax amount Anne - Dodsworth
Redirection plugin prevents internal redirection from working