Last modified by MammaMia - 9 years ago

Janet Leverling

Job Title
Primary Address
722 Moss Bay Blvd.
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Office Phone
Mobile Phone
Project Start Date Priority Status Target End Date
Wild Orchid – 1.0.0 04-19-2014 12-07-2014
Issue Assignee Category Priority Status
comment feeds for all and single posts are broken (with patch) Janet - Leverling
Plugin does not work in WordPress 3.5 Margaret - Peacock
Undefined function update_saved_widget_options() Steven - Buchanan
Fatal error in PHP 5.4 – call-time pass-by-reference
WP Multi-Network Broken Janet - Leverling
JS injection vulnerability in gt-tabs
Differentiation of labels and values using the pipe is broken Steven - Buchanan
Problem with download
rummovie Not inserting into post textbox
SurveyPress : Leaving config unfinished blocks login to WP Margaret - Peacock
No Form Is There? Steven - Buchanan
Spanish translation Steven - Buchanan
Exclude id not working.
WordPress 3.0
Search Unleashed and WP 3.1 not working Nancy - Davolio
How can i verify WPtouch API key?
Mail delivery failed
wpDirAuth conflicts with TDO Mini Forms Laura - Callahan
‘Sharedaddy ”Only show once” makes not showing icons’
Getting Spam throug wp-contactform
Fix inactive submenus (especially on drafts)
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference Andrew - Fuller
podpress 8.8.2 : fix for wrong itunes tags in the rss feed Janet - Leverling
[PATCH] Fix for broken category query in WP 2.3.x Janet - Leverling
Redirection plugin prevents internal redirection from working