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Project Issues

Response Issue Category Priority Status Tags Details Created
0Fixed notices of undefined offset (#3404144161487) 20 hours ago
0Add GZIP support (#1231491933361) 19 hours ago
0href error (#3126676359099) 19 hours ago
0Drop Down in Firefox Does Not Populate Fields (#6087264991052) 19 hours ago
0Sql injection vulnerability (#7227251158005) 13 hours ago
0Charset may be wrong (#1002798139106) 13 hours ago
0Tiled Galleries: image sizes overwritten by Twenty Thirteen’s Featured Gallery function (#6645077013319) 12 hours ago
0captcha support to stop spam bots (#7517122386990) 11 hours ago
0URI of blog isn’t correctly implemented (#6981271781409) 10 hours ago
0You need to globalize $table_prefix (#3455213333183) 4 hours ago
0jump to calculated page for any requested comment (#9948906109959) 4 hours ago
3If the loop is modified in a template before the tag blob is shown it all goes wrong (#7363279259242) 4 hours ago
0leading paragraph (#7480138208659) 3 hours ago
0Open in New window ? (#2601793283654) 3 hours ago
0Form doesn’t show if Adsense-Deluxe plugin is installed (#4465277609348) 4 hours ago
0comment feeds for all and single posts are broken (with patch) (#7032621711889) 5 hours ago
3WP3..4.1 DL/D PLUGIN N DELETED IT SCRIPT NOT WORKING ADMIN (#3616297388114) 5 hours ago
0Blicki: Rollback not working (#5855029634938) 12 hours ago
2Yahoo Ping Service Deprecated (#3184839636958) 13 hours ago
0wp-latex local dvipng conversion fails (#2343156325704) 14 hours ago
0Plugin does not work in WordPress 3.5 (#4856885669607) 15 hours ago
0Undefined function update_saved_widget_options() (#3229642023759) 20 hours ago
2Fatal error in PHP 5.4 – call-time pass-by-reference (#2636164018712) 21 hours ago
2postlocation –>Do not work … Fatal Error (#5064790340511) 23 hours ago
0WP Multi-Network Broken (#1152682670668) 2 days ago
0MCEComments and Tango Smileys Extended (#2291125017517) 2 days ago
0Custom fields unavailable in follow-up autoresponder e-mails (#9699819371352) 3 days ago
2JS injection vulnerability in gt-tabs (#1818962871202) 3 days ago
0Differentiation of labels and values using the pipe is broken (#3481662877617) 3 days ago
0Modules exports cannot work (#2705100776804) 3 days ago
0Fix disable tag/cats boxes so they don’t freeze browsers (#1863115462870) 3 days ago
0Problem with download (#7070394266657) 3 days ago
0Google XML Sitemaps Not Finishing (#5261264393186) 3 days ago
2XSS in Answer-my-question plugin (#3070511456597) 3 days ago
2rummovie Not inserting into post textbox (#7103621370847) 6 days ago
2Throwing other posts out of whack (#4034866649819) 6 days ago
2Fatal error: Warning: while updating 2 plugins? (#5354001428401) 6 days ago
3SurveyPress : Leaving config unfinished blocks login to WP (#6065126842935) 6 days ago
3Plugin for WP 2.0 Doesnt Seem To Work (#4674062509808) 7 days ago
3Redirect Virus in Dashboard Google Analytics Plugin (#1440742167603) 7 days ago
2No Form Is There? (#6196160764570) 7 days ago
4Not showing senders e-mail adress (#2049444641931) 7 days ago
0cannot SVN commit my plugin for 4 days (#3226530550504) 1 week ago
4Plugin SVN Issue (#6771372286559) 1 week ago
3Deleting the Directories From the Trac (#5285687479829) 2 weeks ago
2Spanish translation (#4807959834589) 2 weeks ago
0Exclude id not working. (#6807984569287) 2 weeks ago
0Two Issues with the Post Location plugin…please help. (#6981626118208) 2 weeks ago
0WordPress 3.0 (#7209512665387) 2 weeks ago
2Search Unleashed and WP 3.1 not working (#2176876867721) 2 weeks ago
2Add support for getting IP from request headers (#5246937902549) 2 weeks ago
2Spanish translation (#7746760306467) 2 weeks ago
0Exclude id not working. (#3571486236597) 2 weeks ago
0How can i verify WPtouch API key? (#5243308444714) 2 weeks ago
0sub-domains are not detected (#4061557167164) 2 weeks ago
2There is a Stored XSS flaw in the Title text box box while creating a POST (#2181678796267) 2 weeks ago
2wp-shortstat 1.3 doesn’t work for WP 2.0.1 (#6522844422121) 2 weeks ago
2Revert! (#7057165234008) 2 weeks ago
0After installation – blank page (#2978848472487) 2 weeks ago
0‘jQuery(”.acronym-tooltip”).tTips is not a function’ (#2547788514530) 2 weeks ago
0I can not update my widget clock (#4939587762315) 2 weeks ago
5submit new version of plugin (#7672244955048) 2 weeks ago
0broken get_posts on homepage when static front page is set (#7172738450786) 2 weeks ago
2double upload (#3879016691395) 2 weeks ago
2[Plugin SEO Ultimate] Bug when post has only one tag (#3230465139098) 3 weeks ago
2Network id is not set when adding the content_scheduler action hook (#1999834839122) 3 weeks ago
0Mail delivery failed (#4667170537443) 3 weeks ago
0DB table ak_404_log isn’t defined. (#4476067905540) 3 weeks ago
1Unicode characters not being captured properly (#7287327631726) 3 weeks ago
2Proxy IP authentication / multiple vote issue with WP-PostRatings (#2778530527548) 3 weeks ago
0Prepare wpDirAuth for 1.0 release (#2424178456446) 3 weeks ago
0Spammers have mastered the form (v. 1.4.3) (#7593110297358) 3 weeks ago
3wpDirAuth conflicts with TDO Mini Forms (#6964342429391) 3 weeks ago
0‘Sharedaddy ”Only show once” makes not showing icons’ (#3732658617189) 3 weeks ago
0‘XSS issue with plugin ”Grou Random Image”’ (#5227023699603) 3 weeks ago
2Stored XSS Flaw in Description Box in the Media tab (#4066525420037) 3 weeks ago
0Paged Comment Editing : Comment Counter related. (#3815996820378) 3 weeks ago
0Getting Spam throug wp-contactform (#5068468694990) 3 weeks ago
0Conflict with Viper’s Video Quicktags plugin (#1403654457148) 3 weeks ago
2Geo Plugin – Fields in Post.php not showing up and blocking rest (#2593421470484) 3 weeks ago
0non-openid website not accepted (#3008280741276) 3 weeks ago
0Fix for paypal-pro.merchant.php to include coupons and correct tax amount (#3316657944062) 3 weeks ago
0Localization of Currency Symbols to Database (#3500093401728) 3 weeks ago
2flush_rewrite conflicts with any plugins or themes (#3851655909879) 3 weeks ago
2Fix inactive submenus (especially on drafts) (#7546187443009) 3 weeks ago
2Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference (#1974214993668) 3 weeks ago
0Multiple SQL injection in wordpress poll (#6503284024089) 3 weeks ago
2Photopress: Insert button doesn’t work on IE/WP2 (v0.9.2) – bug in ppInsertAtCursor (#6064514455085) 3 weeks ago
0podpress 8.8.2 : fix for wrong itunes tags in the rss feed (#1399899538713) 3 weeks ago
0Authors lose their lang attribute on pre tags. (#6734790190989) 3 weeks ago
0Does not seem to be sending any emails (#6435865807542) 3 weeks ago
0Double URL encoding of email address in link to subscription manager (#6988893758660) 3 weeks ago
0[PATCH] Fix for broken category query in WP 2.3.x (#71903783894) 3 weeks ago
0Redirection plugin prevents internal redirection from working (#7540489381885) 3 weeks ago
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